ADHD Screening and Therapy

Therapy for ADHD and ADHD screenings in Flint, Michigan

A cluster of small white and pink blossoms on a branch.

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder ADHD

  • What is ADHD?

    Do you feel distracted all the time?

    Are you struggling to get tasks completed?

    Do you procrastinate?

    Do you hyperfocus on tasks you enjoy but have difficulty staying focused on tasks that you do not like?

    Do you misplace things often?

    Do you have difficulty staying organized and feel like your life is messy?

    Do you find yourself interrupting people often?

    You could have Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).

  • Limited ADHD Screenings (Adults)

    Our team includes psychologists specializing in ADHD screenings for adults. These screenings entail collecting your history and identifying areas of difficulty, discussing the impact of symptoms on your life, and offering personalized recommendations. Medical doctors who prescribe medication for ADHD often require a diagnosis from a mental health professional. Upon request, we furnish written documentation to your referring doctor. Additionally, we can connect you with a therapist who specializes in ADHD to assist in symptom management.

  • ADHD in Women

    ADHD in women is often missed or misdiagnosed. Women with ADHD often have difficulty with attention and may be impulsive, but their symptoms go unnoticed because they do not have the hyperactivity component of ADHD. If you struggle with many of the challanges on the list below, we can help.

    Do you have difficulty with being distracted all the time?

    Do you have difficulty with controlling your impulses?

    Do you talk fast or say things without thinking about them first?

    Do you get confused about things that have multiple steps or have difficulty following directions?

    Do you miss appointments often?

    Do you check your calendar repeatedly and set alarms to remind you of things you need to do?

    Do you have difficulty planning ahead?

  • Therapy for ADHD in Children

    Children with ADHD often struggle with inattention, hyperactivity, or impulsivity. Our child psychologist specializes in treating ADHD in children. Reach out and we can help. You may notice your child has difficulty with the following things.


    Easily Distracted

    Difficulty Staying on Task

    Hyperfocus on Activities They Love

    Difficulty following Directions with Multiple Steps

    Messy and Disorganized

    Not Listening when You Are Talking to Them


    Difficulty Sitting Still

    Excessive Physical Movement


    Always Being on the Go as if They Are Being Driven by a Motor


    Excessive Talking

    Interrupting People

    Difficulty Waiting Their Turn

    Acting without Thinking

    Physically Acting Out

  • ADHD Screening Forms (Complete these by clicking the 7 links below)


    Copeland ADHD Checklist

    Beck Inventories

    DASS 21

    AUDIT Screening Tool


    Coordination of Care (Include Referring Doctor)

    Also, please complete the 7 portal documents we sent you (look for an email from

  • Therapy for ADHD

    Therapy can be very effective in teaching you or your child to manage symptoms of ADHD. Our psychologists and counselors teach you the skills needed to improve concentration, develop healthier emotional regulation, and how to get along better with others. Our therapists will help you (or you and your child) discover how ADHD is impacting your life. They will then help you focus on developing skills to manage your difficulties with attention, impulse control, and hyperactivity. They are also great at helping you learn ways to calm your mind and body so you can use the new skills you are developing. We provide therapy for adults and children.